Friday 20 January 2012

Technical Difficulties

“Dear valued customer, your phone application cannot be offered due to technical issues.”

Such was the message that I received from TM earlier today. It’s sad. It’s very sad. It means that I am stuck with Celcom Mobile Shitty Broadband. It means slow snail like internet. It means that I will continue to get nervous whenever I open Maybank2u because it might hang in the middle of a transaction. It means no online gaming. It means no downloading animes and mangas. It means no streaming video. NO STREAMING PORN!! AAAA!!!!! What am I to do?!

Surely an answer is to move out but looking at my allowance eligibility and rent prices around Sibu it doesn’t seem a feasible option right now. Even if I do upgrade my current connection there is still that annoying download limit to content with. I don’t want a download limit. I want fast unlimited internet.

Wait, before I continue this pointless rambling (pointless because it won’t change anything – infrastructure wise I can’t get Streamyx here) I should take a look at what I DO have – I have internet connection. It’s slow and unreliable and overpriced but I still have one. There are pros and cons to this, I’m sure. Let’s analyse the situation;

I can’t play online games anymore. I used to play 1 or 2 rounds of Company of Heroes every day after work. This is not necessarily a good thing. In fact it was a bad thing. The time that I used to play games can - and should – be better spent exercising. My belly is BIG! Hell if someone had stuck a pink cannula at 90 degrees to it, it probably won’t reach my abdominal cavity and get stuck in the fat layer. This also means that all that effort playing Mass Effect and upgrading my Cherry Shepard will be useless..

I can’t watch streaming porn T.T   This has got to be good thing. I’ve been trying to give up porn for a long time. In fact my New Year’s resolutions for the past 8 years have been to stop watching porn. I failed every year. Some years I failed on the 2nd day of New Year’s. Some years, about 4 hours after the clock struck midnight. Maybe with this unforeseen limitation I can finally achieve that goal (interestingly I have given up on giving up porn for a New Year’s resolution this year).

I have to focus my internet usage to things that really matter. Like email, concentrating on writing a good blog piece before uploading it, news, Wikipedia, porn, MyCPD online, guidelines etc.

I still want high speed internet...

Maybe I’ll call them again after Chinese New Year.

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