Wednesday 4 January 2012

Back in Sibu

For RM20, not only did I get a smooth ride back to Sibu, I also got to watch Dylan Dog with no audio (there were subtitles though).  We probably could’ve seen another movie if not for the dvd player resetting when the boat ran out of power half way down river. That’s right, the ‘express’ that I was on ran out of power (albeit transiently) in the middle of a murky river known to be infested with leptospira, meliodosis, and crocodiles, in the middle of a thunder storm. Great experience if you can’t avoid it.
All in all I thought Kapit was worth visiting – more for the travel experience than for the destination.
The boat reached Sibu at around 5.30pm and the sun was beginning to set. Another thing that one should realise about Sibu is that the sun seems to be a little ‘early’ here. You see, there was a time when Malaysia actually had 2 time zones. One for West Malaysia, and another +1 hour for East Malaysia. However, back in the eighties some guy called Dr Mahathir thought that it was quite annoying to have 2 time zones for a small country like Malaysia so he decided that ‘West Malaysia’ should follow their ‘Eastern’ counterpart’s time. So you see, Sibu actually has the ‘correct’ time zone as oppose to KL.

Malaysian rivers are polluted. There is no need to sugar coat that fact. People throw stuff into them then it messes with their flow. Then you get floods. It’s a simple fact. If we don’t want floods, we just have to learn to take care of our rivers. The water pump above can only do so much. Eventually its gonna get overwhelmed.

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