Tuesday 31 January 2012


“Time aku beli seluar dalam la cashier dia cun,”


“Takde, saya cakap: masa saya beli seluar dalam lah cashier dia cun,”

Since I have overpaid my credit card I decided to get replacements for some of my torn underwear. And since Parkson’s was having a Bonuslink point sale I decided to  drive to town to get them in addition to getting a new hair cut (which looks now a bit like misplaced pubic hair...).

The cashier was indeed really cute. Tiny and cute. She had a good giggle afterwards and I bet she’ll be telling that story for quite some time. Being a cashier can be very boring and uneventful. I know. I used to work the till at Oxfam.

Another reason I drove to Parkson’s was because the only McDonald’s in Sibu is across the road from it. Then I browsed around for a replacement disc for The Three Musketeers which I bought a couple of months ago. The previous one had such bad audio and video quality it was unwatchable. That’s what you get for buying pirated stuff I guess. It’s a hit and miss affair. I’m not proud of it but I do watch pirated DVD’s. Everyone does. Well almost everyone. I have stopped using pirated software though. Those things can cause nasty system crashes. Besides, I don’t need many software to live. Only Microsoft Office. Adobe Acrobat is free and so is Internet Explorer.
Dr Zul said he often had trouble getting the barbers in Sibu to cut his hair this short and would go instead to the army camp. I entertained the idea of doing the same but I didn't know the way to the camp. Now I have this toilet brush head. It honestly looked awesome immediately after the guy finished. Meh, at least HE liked it.

Also today whilst having the car serviced I discovered one of Sibu’s jewels. There is a stall next to the Chung Hwa Secondary School that makes the tastiest ‘perut sapi masak kicap’ ever!

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