Tuesday 31 January 2012


These past two days have been filled with various surprising news. For instance I was surprised to find out how soon I was getting transferred to anaesthesia, I was surprised how much I have spent on household appliances, and I was surprised to find out that I have in fact over paid on my credit card bills. The last one may not seem that bad but if you take into account that American Express is pretty much a useless credit card and paying that extra money meant it took away the opportunity cost from other things (e.g. iPhone 4s, and Celcom doesn’t accept American Express – at least not online) it starts to wipe that grin off my face.

Another startling if not unexpected news is that CS Chia is getting married in June. Things like these tend happen to most people, but it was startling in the fact that after not hearing any news from her for a good deal of half a year and suddenly a bomb shell like this was dropped. Meh.

I also found out that some time last year on call allowances were hiked up, from RM150 to RM 200 for medical officers, and that change had not been implemented in my previous workplace. Maybe they were waiting for the right time (i.e before election season) to implement the change. Regardless, it was merely news and I won’t see the money for a good couple of months anyway. They were looking for me to sign a statement back in Kajang but since I am quite literally an ocean away (a sea maybe) I had to ask Saw CL to sign it for me as he is the only one I can think of that is still in Paediatrics Kajang (I could probably had asked for Zeehan or Razi but let’s face it, I’m closer to Saw anyway).

In addition to that it turns out that Hafiz won Anugerah Juara Lagu for the 2011 season. I thought maybe Faizal Tahir or the Jaclyn-Ning-Shila trio would have won it. Those were the better songs in my opinion and Juara Lagu is a song competition, not a singing competition. I guess the judges may have had to judge based solely on the night’s performance and arrangement and Hafiz’s Fistula in Ano Awan Nano was arranged better for the competition than it usually is heard on the radio. This news was also accompanied by the news that I have used up more than 3GB of my allocated 4GB of download limit this month. (I knew I shouldn’t have watched too many of that porn Juara Lagu repeats.)


  1. oh my god...i asked the same person to sign my statement too....for the backdated oncall claim! he must be thinking..'what is this la..everyone's asking me!' haha.

  2. Oooo no wonder la he said "Oh you want me to sign for you also?"
