Tuesday 10 January 2012


My stuff has arrived!! They of course decide to choose the least convenient moment to come knocking at my door – when I was at work!
I was surprised at the amount of things my mom packed for me. I only asked for the books. Instead there was a washing machine, the old TV, a fridge, my bed (!!), and nearly a dozen boxes of various stuffs from mops to bric-a-bracs.
I have never planned on staying in this flat for long, namely because I can save more money by renting outside and because of the flooding. However, since I still have no other place to go to (the house I was looking at won’t be available until February) and due to the surprisingly HUGE amount of things now in my living room I guess I’ll just stay here for awhile longer.
My flat is on the 3rd floor, the one on the right. There is no elevator and it’s nearly impossible for me to lift the washing machine and refrigerator on my own. So I guess I’ll just stay here for awhile while looking for a new place. The good news is I’ve got personal transport now!

1 comment:

  1. yeayyyy! that was quick! i'm impressed. so...nothing of miss yap's stuff mixed up with yours..?? i guess not.
