Sunday 8 July 2012

Farewell Dinner

I haven’t been posting anything recently. Not since I got back from Singapore. The main reason being that it has been a rather hectic week or so with a lot of activities. However, this also meant that I have more material with which to write.

On Tuesday 3rd July 2012 we had a farewell dinner party for our Anaesthetist Dr Shereen Tang who left us to become a lecturer at UKM. The dinner was held at The Fisherman restaurant by the river. From the outside the place looked like a dump however, the decor inside was rather simple and nice and the food was amazing!

I feel rather sad that Dr Shereen was leaving. I learnt a lot from her was hoping to learn a lot more. She was also a very nice boss and sent me a very encouraging text message after my first ICU call when I felt so depressed that everything I did was wrong.

Thank you very much Dr Shereen and best wishes for your future undertaking!
  The Fisherman is located on the row of shops next to Tua Pek Kong pagoda in Sibu, opposite the flood pump. Its sign board is rather worn and obscure but otherwise should not be too difficult to find if you’re looking for it

Dr Shereen was originally from UKM

Paku, lokan, umai, and roast lamb

The cake was from Secret Recipe. Yes, there IS a Secret Recipe in Sibu

Some of us who went for the dinner. Of course the on call fellas were not there that night

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