Saturday 14 July 2012

Rest in Peace Peter

So far July has been a rather eventful month. Beginning this month our OT is seeing some drastic changes with regards to manpower allocation. In view of there being fewer medical officers left compared to previously, the on call system has been rearranged. These days there will be only one anaesth MO on call beginning 9 pm every day. However, in order to lessen the burden of that MO, another medical officer is stationed in OT until 9 pm – effectively being ‘oncall’ until then. The OT MO can claim for oncall however, since he/she will have to run OT cases for the full duration of the following day. So far this arrangement has worked rather well.

Since Dr Shereen left us, we have a new anaesthetist called Dr Kong. She was originally from Sibu but has only worked in our hospital for one year as a house officer before leaving for Peninsular Malaysia. How long she will be with us remains yet to be seen.

Another major news is Peter Ting, the most senior anaesthesia medical assistant passed away on Tuesday 12th July 2012 during which day I was on call. You get rather use to seeing patients die but NEVER when a colleague dies. He has been ill with colon cancer for a very long time. He will be deeply missed by everyone, especially the OT staff. I remember him best as being the first person to teach me how to do an axillary nerve block and for that (and many other lessons) I will forever be grateful.

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