Saturday 21 July 2012

Hold it Right There!

This may be the beginning of trouble. I never intended to get hooked up in Sarawak with a Sarawakian girl despite it being a common thing to happen to people who come here to work. However, things are happening and it surely is starting to spiral out of control. By ‘out of control’ meaning I can’t seem to control myself from responding to this girl!

The problem here is this - since I broke up with my ex-girlfriend I have enjoyed the single life. It’s great! I can do anything and go anywhere with anyone without any sense of guilt. Lonely yes, but refreshing all the same. Since then I thought that I shouldn’t get into any relationship but things don’t usually go according to plan.

We went to watch Batman a couple of nights ago. Despite me having made plans with a few other colleagues to watch it the next day (I honestly do not mind watching Batman twice – I thought it was a good movie. The one with Heath Ledger was better though). I did enjoy the movie but maybe because the arm rest was too small, or maybe because she smelled nice, I held her hand while watching it. This – is – bad...

This blog was never intended to be about personal feelings but yet again things don’t go according to plan. Meh.