Wednesday 27 June 2012

My Singapore Story Part 3 - A promise is a promise

My last day in Singapore started with me packing and taking stock of what has transpired. I did not enjoy my time in Singapore. However, I did not feel as bad as I thought I would after seeing CS getting married. In fact, I felt rather happy for her. Of course the question is why did I think that I would feel bad about her marriage in the first place? Was I jealous? Was it because I was left out for the most part and relegated to but a mere footnote of her past? Sometimes there are questions addressed to myself for which I have no answer.

I left the hotel at and took the MRT to the airport. Yes, I’m that cheap. Besides, I only had the backpack and I was able to cram all the souvenirs into it. At the station one old security uncle stopped me to check my backpack.

“Where are you from?”


“I need to check your bag,”

“Are you going to check my bag because I’m from Sarawak or because I have a big bag?”

“Because you have a big bag,”

Racist cunt. Admit it. You wouldn’t have stopped a white guy with a backpack on the MRT. Well for your information the shoe bomber guy was WHITE!

As you can see, I did not particularly enjoy my Singapore trip. I was made to feel guilty, unappreciated, lonely, and to top it off was treated like a potential criminal at every turn.

Well, screw Singapore. It was with no small effort and a lot of headache that I made it to the country. All for a wedding and I only spoke not more than half a dozen sentences to my old friend. It was not worth it.

In the end, the only consolation to be had from all this is the satisfaction of a promise fulfilled.

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