Friday 15 June 2012


Everyone seems to be moving on with their lives. Everyone I know that is. Earlier this week I received a formal email inviting me to CS's wedding in Singapore. Then there is the thing where Sarah and Adil got married. Heck even some of the staff in our operating theatre got married over the past month. The only close friend that I know of that has yet to get married is Iris, and even she is making reasonably good progress towards it.

The whole Sarah and Aidil thing came as a bit of a surprise to me especially since they were not 'together' when I left Kajang. Guess things can really move very fast sometimes. I guess there is no harm in admitting that at one point in time I did ask her out. But I guess it was pretty obvious then that I wasn't really going to take it seriously and I suppose the whole story about me and my ex girlfriend must have been going around and therefore she must have decided that I wasn't going to be a good time investment.

I got rather close to CS when I was studying in Middlesbrough. We were the only two Malaysians there as far as we knew and we did go on trips together. I will be attending her wedding next week in Singapore but it seems that she has been hanging around some very successful bunch and I'm not sure that a lowly Malaysian civil servant from Sibu like myself can fit in. For a start the wedding requires 'formal' attire. I don't have any suit with me, or rather, I don't have any that I can still fit into. So I need to go find one. In addition to that I will be going alone and I doubt I will see anyone familiar there. It might end up being a rather miserable little trip but I guess it's important for me to be there - important for me at least, though I can't exactly explain why.


  1. saw got married.

    and he flew to kuching already. go find him!!

  2. and instead of introducing yourself to those singaporean guys as a lowly Malaysian civil servant, say 'I'm a doctor.'

    reply: oo... what do you specialise in?

    answer: anaesthesiology.

    Ooooooooooooooo........... they will be impressed. =)
