Wednesday 2 May 2012

My Life Sucks

My house is a wreck.

I’m going to work in 5 minutes time. It’s way too early for most people in the department but I don’t know how the list looks like. More importantly I don’t know if there is an epidural catheter that needs inserting, in which case I would have to come earlier anyway.

I’ve only done 2 of the planned 30 slides for my presentation tomorrow. I should’ve finished it yesterday. Instead I wasted my time playing games and watching porn. I always waste my time playing games and watching porn. Interracial ones, creampie ones, amateur ones. I especially like the ones with black guys and white chicks...

Maybe if I stopped playing games and watching porn my life would be better.

Maybe I should get married.

My cousin married a teacher. She is not that cute but she’s not fat, which in KL automatically means that she is prettier than most other girls. Being a teacher means that she’ll be there when he needs her. She’ll be there after he had a hard time at work. She’ll be there at night and most weekends. It’s different than marrying a nurse or worse, a doctor. Heck the girl can cook, knows how to sew and even tap rubber! Why can’t I find someone who can tap rubber?

Another cousin of mine is gonna get married in November. Also to a teacher. Granny told me when I went to visit.

Any cute rubber tapping teachers out there for me?

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