Sunday 29 April 2012

Kuala Lumpur

I just got back from KL.

I was there for about 4 days. Initially this was meant to be just a simple holiday but since I got offered to attend a scientific meeting on infectious diseases I decided that to enrol in the event was the best course of action as it allowed me to claim the plane tickets. Now I’m not so sure.

I saw some of the Bersih 3.0 people on Saturday on my way back from the ASMEIT talks. I stopped caring. I’ll vote. Then I will know that I have done my part.

The past few days have been hectic and I was not able to spend as much time at home as I would’ve liked. However, I was able to accomplish a few things:

Buy books

The KL international book fair was on at the time (and is still going on) and I managed to buy an Anaesthesia pocket book for on calls for a 10% discount. Hopefully this should be better than lugging around Morgan’s Clinical Anaesthesia, a book so big that if I were to throw it at a dog, the dog would die. I also went to Kamal to make some more directed purchases of medical books. Unfortunately it seems that Lee CY’s Manual of Anaesthesia for Medical Officers, the source of reference for Medical Officers in Anaesthesia all over Malaysia for so many years is no longer in print.

Buy a new pair of shoes

They’re hush Puppies! And they are really comfortable! And they are NOT torn!

Buy a backpack

For the time when I will ‘eventually’ go to Taman Negara

See granny

Err, I went to see my granny...

Attended ASMEIT

Some of the talks were interesting, some boring, and some just made me go “Why am I here? Is this thing really for me?”

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