Sunday 27 May 2012


Initially since today was a free Sunday for me, I had wanted to go to Song for a visit. I’ve never been to Song and the fact that it’s halfway between Sibu and Kapit made it ideal for a day trip. However, it turns out that since Gawai is coming up, there were a lot of people waiting to get on boats for ‘balik kampung’. So I made a u turn and after a breakfast of nasi lemak ayam (that cost me RM2, can you believe it? Nasi lemak ayam for RM2! It’s usually twice that price in KL), I headed out for a game of bowling. On my own. Naturally. Sad. Very sad. Sigh....

Sibu Superbowl is about the only place where you can go bowling in Sibu. The previous directions that I had on how to get there were rather misleading. It is not at Medan Mall. It’s not even opposite Medan Mall. Rather it is situated amidst the housing area across the road from Medan Mall. On Jalan Perpati.

There was a ‘promotion’ of RM18.50 for 4 games (which is in fact rather standard in KL) so I played all 4 games. On my own. Of course. Sad. Very sad. Sigh...

Later, I spent the rest of the day playing games and watching 14 Blades on YouTube. On my own. Then I watched Never Back Down on YouTube. Also on my own. Sad. Very Sad. Sigh...
 Total score after 4 games was 368. Sad. Very Sad. Sigh...

 The facilities are nice but it lacks the cartoony scoreboard. Put up the animated scoreboard damnit!

There weren't that many people bowling today

I still haven’t told the houseman about the lost pen drive. The reason is as follows – I was oncall on Friday. My first ICU call. Naturally I was nervous. I couldn’t get my act together for the most part. The houseman stayed on until lunch time to help out. She didn’t have to. Then we went for lunch, during which time she asked me about my running away from marriage and hence ending up in Sarawak. Suddenly she started talking about her recent break up with her boyfriends (No, that wasn’t a grammatical error. There really were two boyfriends). It was a rather ‘Huh, what the fuck? Why are you telling me this?’ moment for me. Of course I didn’t prepare myself for that and I continued to keep quiet about the pen drive.

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