Monday 21 May 2012

Of Things Lost

I only went to Giant to get some biscuits and coffee for tomorrows on call. However by the time I reached the till, I realised that I had also included the following items – a bar of Cadburry’s Hazelnut milk chocolate (it’s just a little treat), 2 bottles of Coke (they were on offer), a tub of Wall’s Cookies N Cream ice cream (it was on offer as well!), a tin of Tiger’s Assorted Cookies (brings out the tiger, THE TIGER!!! ROAR!!). Total sugar content – I don’t even care to measure. Instead I grabbed a twin pack of toothpaste to ease the guilt.

While I was there I also picked up a new 16GB Kingston SD card with speed class 10. Now I can record full HD movies with my Canon 600D. Yay!! I also bought a 32GB USB pen drive for the following reason;

A few weeks back I borrowed a pen drive from a houseman. To get her presentation. Unfortunately I must’ve lost it in the scrubs laundry. I was too scared to admit it so I kept on looking for it until I finally realise that whatever was left of it must’ve been baked clean in CSSD. Iris said I should get her another one but there isn’t any 20GB pen drive. Unfortunately all I can find in Sibu is a Kingmax 32GB. The one she lent me was a Sandisk 16GB, so it was pretty small and this Kingmax type is the only one with a capacity large enough and a size small enough to both fit the description of the lost pen drive and make up for my irresponsibility/carelessness.

However, the problem with pen drives and other media storage devices is not so much the hardware but what is inside it. What if there were some sensitive files in that lost pen drive? What if there were some raunchy photos/videos in it? I mean, I doubt she would have lent me the pen drive if there were. She wouldn’t want me to look at it... Or wouldn’t she? I mean, what if there WERE some raunchy pics in there and the reason she gave me the pen drive was so that she could show them to me? Oh no! What have I done!??!!?
It’s got a little rubber man as a cute sleeve. Maybe that’ll ease the anger a bit. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. if she had wanted to show you those photos, she would... find a way it again. dun worry, okay?
