Tuesday 29 May 2012


This happened yesterday. I had quite a good OT and finished rather early. Which meant I went home at around 5 pm. It looked a little like it was going to run but over the past few days a similar overcast sky only meant that the rain was going to be a light drizzle. Since I have been stuffing myself with fast food and sugar over the past week and since I am developing quite a belly, I decided to go for a run. There is a lake garden in Taman Permai and I walked there as a warm up before starting my run.

The conclusion that I was able to draw after 5 minutes was – I couldn’t run for longer than 5 minutes! O M G!! I’m so unfit! I walked for 10 minutes, then it started raining. Oh my God! I have to run! Run! RUN!!!

That was when it happened. What I thought was a patch of grass on the pavement turned out to be moss covered mud. I sank nearly a foot into it. Well, actually both of my feet sank into the mud, to a depth of about a foot. So my pristine Power shoes that has not seen any signs of wear (for my lack of exercise) was covered in mud.

I decided not to clean them immediately last night but to allow the mud to dry up so I could just knock it off, which I did today. Today, I went running again. Still can’t do more than 5 minutes, but I’m not letting some patch of mud hinder me. I’ll run. Even if for 5 minutes. I’ll do 6 minutes tomorrow. I’ll run. That’s why I came here didn’t I? To run (away). I’ll run. Damnit I’ll run...

Sunday 27 May 2012


Initially since today was a free Sunday for me, I had wanted to go to Song for a visit. I’ve never been to Song and the fact that it’s halfway between Sibu and Kapit made it ideal for a day trip. However, it turns out that since Gawai is coming up, there were a lot of people waiting to get on boats for ‘balik kampung’. So I made a u turn and after a breakfast of nasi lemak ayam (that cost me RM2, can you believe it? Nasi lemak ayam for RM2! It’s usually twice that price in KL), I headed out for a game of bowling. On my own. Naturally. Sad. Very sad. Sigh....

Sibu Superbowl is about the only place where you can go bowling in Sibu. The previous directions that I had on how to get there were rather misleading. It is not at Medan Mall. It’s not even opposite Medan Mall. Rather it is situated amidst the housing area across the road from Medan Mall. On Jalan Perpati.

There was a ‘promotion’ of RM18.50 for 4 games (which is in fact rather standard in KL) so I played all 4 games. On my own. Of course. Sad. Very sad. Sigh...

Later, I spent the rest of the day playing games and watching 14 Blades on YouTube. On my own. Then I watched Never Back Down on YouTube. Also on my own. Sad. Very Sad. Sigh...
 Total score after 4 games was 368. Sad. Very Sad. Sigh...

 The facilities are nice but it lacks the cartoony scoreboard. Put up the animated scoreboard damnit!

There weren't that many people bowling today

I still haven’t told the houseman about the lost pen drive. The reason is as follows – I was oncall on Friday. My first ICU call. Naturally I was nervous. I couldn’t get my act together for the most part. The houseman stayed on until lunch time to help out. She didn’t have to. Then we went for lunch, during which time she asked me about my running away from marriage and hence ending up in Sarawak. Suddenly she started talking about her recent break up with her boyfriends (No, that wasn’t a grammatical error. There really were two boyfriends). It was a rather ‘Huh, what the fuck? Why are you telling me this?’ moment for me. Of course I didn’t prepare myself for that and I continued to keep quiet about the pen drive.

Monday 21 May 2012

Of Things Lost

I only went to Giant to get some biscuits and coffee for tomorrows on call. However by the time I reached the till, I realised that I had also included the following items – a bar of Cadburry’s Hazelnut milk chocolate (it’s just a little treat), 2 bottles of Coke (they were on offer), a tub of Wall’s Cookies N Cream ice cream (it was on offer as well!), a tin of Tiger’s Assorted Cookies (brings out the tiger, THE TIGER!!! ROAR!!). Total sugar content – I don’t even care to measure. Instead I grabbed a twin pack of toothpaste to ease the guilt.

While I was there I also picked up a new 16GB Kingston SD card with speed class 10. Now I can record full HD movies with my Canon 600D. Yay!! I also bought a 32GB USB pen drive for the following reason;

A few weeks back I borrowed a pen drive from a houseman. To get her presentation. Unfortunately I must’ve lost it in the scrubs laundry. I was too scared to admit it so I kept on looking for it until I finally realise that whatever was left of it must’ve been baked clean in CSSD. Iris said I should get her another one but there isn’t any 20GB pen drive. Unfortunately all I can find in Sibu is a Kingmax 32GB. The one she lent me was a Sandisk 16GB, so it was pretty small and this Kingmax type is the only one with a capacity large enough and a size small enough to both fit the description of the lost pen drive and make up for my irresponsibility/carelessness.

However, the problem with pen drives and other media storage devices is not so much the hardware but what is inside it. What if there were some sensitive files in that lost pen drive? What if there were some raunchy photos/videos in it? I mean, I doubt she would have lent me the pen drive if there were. She wouldn’t want me to look at it... Or wouldn’t she? I mean, what if there WERE some raunchy pics in there and the reason she gave me the pen drive was so that she could show them to me? Oh no! What have I done!??!!?
It’s got a little rubber man as a cute sleeve. Maybe that’ll ease the anger a bit. What do you think?

Sunday 20 May 2012


Sibu is boring. I won’t sugar coat it. There’s hardly anything to do around here. That’s why I keep going on my little jamban adventures every now and then. The problem is lately I can’t go anywhere new because of lack of time. I’ve been on call weekends and rarely get more than a stretch of 2 days off. Sure I could go on day trips but I’ve nearly exhausted all the interesting places nearby.

Today I’m post call. Hungry, tired, and disorientated I drove to town with the aim of going to McDonald’s (there’s only 1 in Sibu) and having a HUGE meal. I found that there was a road show of motorcycles from a company I’ve never heard of before. It didn’t matter. I could tell from the sound of the engines that they were shit bikes anyway. The 4 cylinder ones sounded like the Yanmar boat engines going to Kapit.

The good thing however, was the presence of many motorcycle models. Since I had my camera with me (I always have my 600d in my car), I decided to unleash the pervert inside and started snapping shamelessly away. Joy!

 The hottest one of all

 Check out the uncle at the back

Elsewhere, the Gawai atmosphere is starting

In other news, about two weeks ago Kak Safilah who lives in the flat across and one floor below mine asked me whether I was the one staying on the top floor of my block. I said yes.

“You always have your lights on eh?”

I was taken aback by this question. You see, I didn’t realise that people can actually SEE me in my flat. Naturally I was suspecting that she noticed me walking around naked in my flat. I don’t walk around naked in my flat because I like being naked. It’s just that sometimes it’s a hassle to get the towel on my way to the bathroom.

“Sorry, I didn’t realise that it was bothering you,” as if the sight of me naked can be anything but.

“No it’s ok,” the message was subliminal but I got the point. No more wondering around naked in my own flat. Sigh...

Friday 18 May 2012

Please Don't Call

Post call today. Will be on call tomorrow. Went to Sibujaya just because I’ve never been there. It’s like a small township on the road to Sarikei. There is a KFC there where I had lunch. Then I came home and slept.

Everytime I’m on call it gets shit busy. I mean really, what the hell is wrong with me. I didn’t sleep at all for 24 hours straight. Which is not that bad coz I used to not sleep for 36 hours straight when I was a house officer in Kajang Medical. Why the hell do I do this job. I bet Aaron Aziz never had to do this sort of shit and he’s pretty successful. Even if he ever DID went for 36 hours without sleep I bet he never had to do it on average of twice a week.
I want to start my own goat farm now. I bet I can make more money, sleep more and smell nicer rearing goats. Plus, I don't have to kill anyone to make an extra RM150 per night...

She's so pretty, and the song is nice. I think I'll book a holiday to Sandakan in August :p

Friday 11 May 2012


I got a haircut today. Cost me RM20. It’s the same place since I got to Sibu. The owner said he may need to move out soon as the place he is currently renting will be turned into a hotel by the owner. I mean, RM20 for a cut and wash and cock talk is still a pretty good deal in my opinion. Of course in Kajang there is a place where I can get a hair cut, shave, talk cock and a massage for RM8. No wash though. The irony of today is that it is also the day that Vidal Sassoon died. I hope common sense hair fashion doesn’t die with him.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


2 days of ACLS course. This is in fact not a true ACLS course but rather a more abridged version. I mean I paid only RM40 for it. Today is meant to be the exam day but I’m not  very confident.

Yesterday I asked the Sister in OT “Sister what does this mean?” as I showed her a calendar for the month of July. It said “Selamat Ari Gawai Dayak – Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai”.

“Oh it means ‘happy’” she answered, which I thought was obviously inaccurate. “But Sister, there are FOUR words here – Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai. How can it just be ‘happy’?”

I need to ask a proper Iban for this...

Saturday 5 May 2012

Wednesday 2 May 2012

My Life Sucks

My house is a wreck.

I’m going to work in 5 minutes time. It’s way too early for most people in the department but I don’t know how the list looks like. More importantly I don’t know if there is an epidural catheter that needs inserting, in which case I would have to come earlier anyway.

I’ve only done 2 of the planned 30 slides for my presentation tomorrow. I should’ve finished it yesterday. Instead I wasted my time playing games and watching porn. I always waste my time playing games and watching porn. Interracial ones, creampie ones, amateur ones. I especially like the ones with black guys and white chicks...

Maybe if I stopped playing games and watching porn my life would be better.

Maybe I should get married.

My cousin married a teacher. She is not that cute but she’s not fat, which in KL automatically means that she is prettier than most other girls. Being a teacher means that she’ll be there when he needs her. She’ll be there after he had a hard time at work. She’ll be there at night and most weekends. It’s different than marrying a nurse or worse, a doctor. Heck the girl can cook, knows how to sew and even tap rubber! Why can’t I find someone who can tap rubber?

Another cousin of mine is gonna get married in November. Also to a teacher. Granny told me when I went to visit.

Any cute rubber tapping teachers out there for me?