Sunday 26 August 2012

Hari Raya

Photos for the recent posts will be uploaded later once I get access to them (ie my computer). I noticed that most of my recent photos were actually taken using the Canon EF 50mm f1.8 lens that I got for a bargain of RM300 plus RM50 for a UV filter. Although it doesn't have the convenience of a zoom, the sharpness and speed of this lens is just amazing. Which is why for the Hari Raya period I took the trouble of packing both the nifty fifty and the kit lens.

The day before Hari Raya my father registered our house with the local mosque so that we can get people to come over for Eid takbir and visit. Registration is necessary simply because a large part of the population of people living in the housing area where we live actually went back to their own villages for Eid. So after Isya prayers a bunch of people from the mosque went from house to house (registered ones) for takbir. There was a distinct lack of fireworks around where we live due to the population being mostly pensioners and retiring government servants. This was perhaps a good thing. Less amputations for the local hospital to deal with.

The next day, after the Hari Raya prayers, as is the tradition in our family, we went to grandma's house in Kampung Pandan. Despite its name, Kampung Pandan is not very much a kampong at all, and is located very close to KL. There we met up with the rest of the extended family and had more food to eat.

We then set off for Kelantan to visit the other grandma (father's side). The next few days were spent visiting graves, relatives and friends. I had a lot to eat. A LOT.

Thus was how I spent my Hari Raya.

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