Sunday 26 August 2012

Balik Kampung

Formatting posts using the blogger app using an iPad is nigh impossible. However, I seem to manage it by using the blogger website's formatting tool without much trouble. If the next few posts seem rather disjointed and haphazard it is because I am most of these stuff in retrospect. There is quite a backlog that I feel like I should deal with and I seem to be able to manage it during downtime while I'm on call.

I finally got my free tickets ( referred to as flight warrants ) via AirAsia for my Hari Raya celebrations. According to Dr Zul from the Emergency Department, they usually have some seats reserved for flight warrants during festive season. Granted the cost is usually almost ten times that of a normal booking. It was perhaps my fault that the tickets actually cost around RM450 one way. Apparently people usually submit their warrant applications three months before Eid instead of my one month. The reason it was AirAsia instead of MAS was apparently because all MAS seats were sold out. However, despite having to fly AirAsia, the warrant actually provided me with a total of 20kg worth of luggage and an in-flight meal. The meal became moot as I was fasting and I used up 15 of the 20kg baggage allowance for some Sarawak layer cake that I brought back as a souvenir. I was allowed to pack the meal as take away though.

My last few calls in ICU before the Hari Raya period was surprisingly rather good. Maybe it merely felt that way because Pauline cooked me dinner for iftar for the last couple of calls before I went off. Bliss.

I boarded the AirAsia flight to KL at around 10.30am on the Saturday before Eid and arrived shortly after noon. There were - as expected - a lot of people on the flight, most of whom were teachers on flight warrants. Maybe it's just me but it does seem like most teachers in Malaysia are actually from Kelantan. They are everywhere.

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