Saturday 25 February 2012

Shopping Spree

Delta Mall was described as the Low Yat Plaza of Sibu. To be honest there’s hardly any more IT in it than any average mall in KL. I got my oven from Parkson’s though since they are having a bonus point promotion for American Express and also because I have Bonuslink.

My pay for February has already been deposited. It appears that there were a few changes to it. The most notable for me is that the payment centre was changed from Kajang to Sibu. While the basic pay remains the same it appears that my Bantuan Sara Hidup (which is paid to those working in areas deemed to have a high cost of living) has been changed to Elaun Wilayah which is RM162.36 more than the former. I’m still getting my Imbuhan Tetap Perumahan though. This is unchanged from the RM250 that it was when I was working in Kajang. I actually expexted this to have been either cancelled or replaced with an Elaun Perumahan Wilayah. Either way I’m not complaining because the way I see it, it seems that I’m still lodging for free here. I didn’t do any calls this month so my income will be limited to that for now.

Because of this I have decided that I should go ahead with buying that oven. I’m still deferring on that induction cooker though. I really need to see how much my electricity bill has been so far before I can decide on that. An oven however is not difficult to decide on – there is no way I’m buying one of those big gas ovens. They are cumbersome and can be rather dangerous to operate. I’m not planning to bake ALL my bread very often anyway, so a small electric one should suffice. I’m really happy that I got one actually. Right now I’m still grinning. You see, I’m an easy man to please. Though currently I do have a few things that I wish I could buy:

iPhone 4s

Evevryone seems to have one and they do look very useful. However, my past experience with my now defunct Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini (What a ridiculously long name) has taught me that such phones tend to be rather unsuitable for on call purposes due to their short battery lives. For now I’ll stick with my trusted Nokia. That guy has battery life of more than 48 hours! It’s a work horse.


Rumour has it that iPad 3 is coming out in the next 1 or 2 months. I’ve seen some of the guys here using it to read books and the pharmacists seem to love them due to their portability (it’s like a go anywhere spreadsheet that won’t strain your eyes). I’m still lugging around my Morgan while these iPad users seem to have a portable library with them wherever they go. Makes me jealous. Plus e-books seems more convenient. iPads also seem cheaper than the iPhone so I’ll probably get one of these before the smart phone.

Canon EF 70-300mm L IS USM

I want a telephoto lens for my camera. When I look at my photo collection it seems that a lot of the more interesting ones were taken while I am on a moving vehicle. My current lenses don’t seem to have the reach. From reading the reviews it seems that the non L version of this focal length is just as good and is also a lot cheaper, but this one is an L lens. An L lens! A guy needs to have a dream right?

Toyota Hilux

I’ve seen quite a lot of road traffic accidents here in Sarawak. Apparently quite a number of them involved a Hilux. Usually the driver is safe but the guy that gets hit by one will usually have it quite bad. A legitimate way to run over Mat Rempits then...

One day, when my midlife crisis gets the better of me, I might get one of these death machines and hope that I won’t get run over by a Toyota Hilux.

Mail order bride

A fixed landline internet

I’m still waiting for that call from Streamyx.
The interior of Wisma Sanyan – where the Sibu Parkson’s is

My new oven! It’s a Faber 24 litre FEO 24 turbofan oven. Uses electricity and comes with a grease pan and a bake pan handle so I won’t need an oven mitt. It’s got heating elements both at the top and bottom. I'm loving it!

Today was no plastic bag day in Sibu. I think it’s good to have no plastic bag days. Although in reality plastic bags make up only a very very small amount of our daily waste, take up an almost negligible quantity of our landfill areas, and contributes to only a fraction of the current environmental predicament that our planet is in. The effect of no plastic bag days is perhaps more on the awareness that it raises than the actual direct benefit on the environment

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