Monday 20 February 2012

Lock Out

My dad came over to Sibu for the weekend. Had some work apparently. So I went to meet him in town at the Tanahmas Hotel where he was staying. He wanted to come by my place and sleepover but I told him it was ridiculously messy (which it was) and told him I’ll take him to my place the following day.

The next day I took my dad to visit my abode (which have been somewhat cleaned by this point). After looking around we were meant to go get breakfast and he had some work to do in Julau. I wanted to come along of course, as it meant a free ride to Julau, which I’ve never been to. Upon exiting the house and locking the door behind us a sudden realisation gripped me – I had left the house keys inside the locked house!! Shit!

The last time something like this happened was when I was living in Burnside in Newcastle with Jacob whereby a strong wind slammed my room door shut and engaged it’s autolock mechanism. What followed was a daring stunt involving me tying a piece of rope around my waist and climbing out through the 1st floor living room into my room. It was hoped that Jacob would have had a good hold on the other end of the string in case I slipped. I did get the door open but it turned out that instead of watching out for me, Jacob was busy watching tele. Bugger...

So the whole ‘going to Julau with my dad’ plan had to give way to ‘I need to figure out a way to get back inside my own house’ plan. The guard at the place contacted a certain Pn Rajmah for me who is apparently the custodian of spare keys for the quarters. This is what she had to say to me:

“Actually I don’t have a spare key to your flat. It was given to you when you first moved in,” OMG WTF??!?!?! How did I not notice??!!

“What we can do is I can contact one of the FMS technicians and see if they open it for you. If they can open the lock without damaging it then that’s that. However if the lock gets damaged you will have to replace it.” Of course I agreed to the plan, it was all I had.

So after about one hour of trying to pick the lock, we came to a consensus to just break the damned thing open. Utilising a hammer and very little mercy to my poor lock, the FMS guy finally managed to create a hole where the door knob used to be.

The new knob was RM30+ and I bought a padlock as well. I’ve decided from now on to avoid using the knob's lock but instead to use the padlock. It’s the type where you can’t operate it without it’s keys so the same kind of crap doesn’t happen again.

What’s left of my old knob (the one from the door, the other ‘knob’ is working just fine)

From now on, all my door is gonna get is this padlock

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