Wednesday 22 February 2012

Household Management

My internet is still slow. Despite it already being several days after paying my bill, the limit seems to still be enforced. The statistics on my computer showed that I have downloaded a total of over 650GB of data over this month, which I feel is totally bullshit. My hard drive is only 200GB and despite the large number of videos and songs on it there is still more than 50% empty space left. There is no way it could be 650GB.

The good news is Streamyx gave me a call and said that they can offer 1Mbps worth of internet speed in my area. This is good because at least there will be no download limit. I’m still waiting for the confirmation call from them.

I still have yet to get my electricity bill but my water bill for January was RM9.90. In Selangor I wouldn’t have had to pay any of it because it was still less than RM10. I suspect this month’s electricity bill will be high. Considering the fact that they haven’t actually sent me my January bills and I have been using more electricity lately. If it is still tolerable then I may go ahead with buying an induction cooker but if it is ridiculously high than I would have to get a tank of gas from one of those shops in Taman Permai.

Sliced bread is a rarity in Sibu. The only ones that I have seen are the in house supermarket bakery ones like in Giant and the one from Sibujaya Bakery. Maybe I should get an oven to bake my own bread...

I also hope that my credit card points are already enough for me to order that nifty looking Pensonic vacuum cleaner because sweeping the floor sucks.

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