Thursday 29 December 2011

Blast from the past

I didn’t know anyone in Sibu before I came here. Well, this turned out to be not quite true. The past seem to have a sneaky way of catching up to you.

During my first few days working in the emergency department I had to make quite a number of referrals to the respective departments. Now, the one thing one should not do to an acquaintance that one has not met for over 8 years is to continuously bug her all day with referrals. Needless to say, when I met Ming Shuan again after such a long time and such annoying referrals, her first words upon seeing me was, “You aa? I’ve been wondering who this Aizat was. Sooo irritating,”

It must be a hidden talent of mine.

Another person that I ran into a few days ago was Miss Yap!! “One of my MOs had a heart attack. Are you interested in Surgery? If you are I can go talk to my boss,” Naturally one could not let go of such an offer. Plus, she mentioned that surgical medical officers here are very well trained. However, I realise that “to get in” with my limited knowledge and abilities is gonna be difficult to say the least. Faridah the HO said that there is a view that Miss Yap brought me along with her to Sibu just as there is a rumour that she came to Sibu because of a certain Mr Ooi (this is of course not true...). Apparently it's because she came looking for me in the ED last week, presumably regarding the cargo transport thing.
However, since I have no plans for my future at the moment, maybe it’s time to look seriously into that MRCS thing... Oh but wait, what if that guy actually had a heart attack secondary to being a surgical MO?
 View from my balcony
The other quarters
 The HO flat is rather nice. I couldn't be sure whether this one was the female or male flat son I didn't go in to take more photos.
There is a tennis court but I don't think it's been used for quite some time. There is also a basketball court further back.

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