Friday 21 December 2012

Sabah Trip 3: Semporna

I realised upon reviewing my two previous posts that my English isn’t very good. Shame.
The Tun Sakaran Marine Park consists of a cluster of protected islands off the coast of Semporna

Anyway, we spent pretty much the rest of 11th December 2012 in Semporna. By the time we booked the trip to Mabul it was already too late for the lady to take us there as the package was meant to start in the morning. I didn’t mind that too much, although it did mean that we have wasted one full day of travelling. Like I mentioned in my previous post, in retrospect we probably should have just gone straight to Semporna from Tawau airport instead of spending the night in Tawau town itself.
Dragon Inn in Semporna. We didn't actually stay there but it was a floating village styled resort and I thought that it was interesting to take a picture of  
Swim kid! SWIM!
This slight hiccup did mean that we got to explore a little bit of Semporna. It was quite disappointing that the gateway to some of the most beautiful places on Earth can be quite dirty. Well, the sea water was so clear that it could probably put the sea around Kapas Island to shame, however, there was a lot of garbage. I mean A LOT! Hell, some of these kids were literally swimming in garbage. People of Semporna, shame on you.
Entrance to the water village. People were actually living on top of all that garbage
Near the market in Semporna. At least they were having these clean up campaigns going on. Maybe there is hope yet
Some of the locals took boats from this jetty which is also where all the day's catch was being brought ashore by the local fishermen. These boats go to... somewhere
We had a walk around the market and even ventured a little bit into the water village there. I thought walking around the water village was quite interesting. They seem to produce quite a lot of dried fish there.
Dried fish
Later on, after the tiring walk around the area, we went for a foot massage session. It was painful! Damn that lady really knew how to hurt my feet.
They actually put grated chees and 'gula Melaka' on their 'pisang goreng' in Semporna
We stayed at a place called Sipadan Inn for the night. For dinner, we had ‘ikan bakar’ at a restaurant near where we stayed.

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